Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Long time no see...

Well I did it, I survived overbooking myself for the last three months or so. Have you ever felt you had to grab every opportunity that came along? That's how I felt. As an artist, I thought that translated to more publicity. It does, but at what cost?

I had myself so tightly scheduled that I was painting day and night. All I could see ahead of me was meeting my deadlines. Not a fun way to live!

It's hard to paint your best when you are understress. So I have learned never to do that again. :-)


karlylvisaker said...

Hi,Glad to see you were able to meet your goal and start back.
I was so impressed with how nice the blog looked, I started my own yesterday.
Today I'm mentioning a couple other artists', and I put a link on your name to this blog. I hope that's alright.
I'm going to try and do the painting a day thing. I desparetely need more discipline.
I'l stay in touch and follow your blog.
Karl Ylvisaker

Catherine Darling said...

Hi Karl,
Thanks! I am really bad at keep this blog up to date. I haven't made it a habit yet. But I will. It's a new year now, and it's one of my goals. Good luck with your blog.